Monday, March 29, 2010

Time is tickin'

Wow! Time is going by so fast! I'm naughty and haven't blogged since JANUARY!!! Right now my blog is in some wierd mode...I need to get Matt to fix it! :)

JP is almost 15 months (April 1st)!!! He's such a big boy! It's amazing how fast he is growing and learning and changing. I'm so happy he's healthy, but it makes me sad how fast time goes. He's always so happy. He could eat anything in sight...I'm a little afraid for when he's a teenager! He's all over the place and tries to climb anything he can touch! Right now he's snoring on the floor having a nice little nap. It's a miracle!
He still LOVES to take Maverick for walks and is obcessed with his collar and leash.
His new thing lately is to touch/point to his diaper when he's wet or dirty and sometimes even goes to get a new diaper. Big boy!
He knows when his books are upside down and quickly turns them right side up when reading his books....which he does several times throughout the day! In the middle of doing whatever he'll just sit down and go through one of his books, sometimes I'll get to join him, and then go back to what he was doing!
Everything is 'DA' or 'DADA', and the dog is 'DOG' and cat is 'CA' and sometimes 'CAT'. He knows "Mama" but saves that one for when he's really tired or crying. :) He's so precious!
He brings carpet fuzzies to us constantly so we can get rid of them! (I think this goes back to him trying to eat the carpet fuz and we would race over to him and grab it out of his hand!)
He loves his juice (mostly water)!
He LOVES balloons! Everytime he sees one he says "DA!" and points repeatedly at them!
He loves rough-housing with daddy and squeals with joy when they play together!
He also likes to mess with my sewing pedal when I'm sewing as I have most recently discovered!
Usually when I'm folding clothes he likes to come over and pick up the piles and throw them around. Silly boy!
He loves his toy cars and makes the 'vroom' sound when playing with them. It just melts my heart!
He also loves to throw just about anything that fits into his hand which can get a little dangerous...we're working on that one!
Well he just woke up and it's a tearful one so I should go...


Jill Garcia (Smith) said...

Cristin, you left a comment on my blog and I wanted to get it touch with you, so here we go! Feel free to use my menu, by all means!!

Also, my little boy is almost 15 months old (April 4th) and I am 17 weeks pregnant (due Sept. 4th)! I just thought that was cool that we're at almos the exact same stage in life!

Where are you from? I'd love to get in touch over e-mail if you're up for it, I promise I'm not weird and won't forward any spam!!

My e-mail is: jilln_garcia1 (at)

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about laundry! Adi hates order -- stacks of clean clothes must be unstacked!!!