Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy 17 Weeks My Sweet Little Turnip!!!

Happy Easter and happy 17 weeks our precious little TURNIP! :) I'm naughty and haven't taken a picture yet'll have to be tomorrow! It has been an amazing day!
It is of course Easter and it has been a beautiful, wonderful one. Church was awesome today! It seems like our church has taken a new turn and has been rejuvenated in the past few weeks. Maybe we needed this new just seems like a happier place! The people actually seem happy. JP certainly likes it too! This was the THIRD week that he made it through the service without having to have mama sooth some serious and major tears. I actually wasn't worried about JP today and I didn't even check on him (!!! ie. sneak up on the nursery and listen in at the door!!!!) !
Today for lunch we had Grandma and Grandpa Mac (Olive Oil and Popeye), Auntie M and Uncle D, Grandma and Grandpa Goettl, Jerry Jr., Nick and Trevor. It was a full house and actually enjoyable!
It's so crazy that as I put JP down to sleep every night I just never want to let him go. As I snuggle him I listen to his breathing....feel his breath on my neck....his little hand sometimes clutching my shoulder or I pray over him I pray life over him. We pray for health and peace, long life, that he would always walk with Jesus and never stray, we pray for his wife that she is being reaised by godly parents that love and nurture her and accept him as their own...we thank Him for his sweet spirit and that it always stays sweet. It's so crazy the love you have for your child. It's overwhelming...I don't want to put him down. I just want to snuggle him forever and never let him go. He's not been burdened by this life. He doesn't know what it means to be stressed out or overwhelmed by surrounding, earthly things that ultimately don't and shouldn't matter now. His greatest problem is not getting to climb high and run in place on the couch, or not get anymore food when we are done or I've given him one too many bites of yummy ice-cream. He's always so happy and loves to play and make his 'vroom' sounds. His smirky little smile is what really gets me. I just melt. In the mornings he's usually happy and chatty in his crib before we go get him. Lately, he always points to the elephants on his crib sheet like "look mama, this is so cool!". I'm so grateful for this life that He has entrusted to Matt and I. Thank you Jesus for this precious little life.
Well, I still need to get his 15 month picture taken in his growth I have been extra naughty and not done if for a few months! YIKES! I don't want him to to grow up. I know, I'm selfish. :)
Well...I have a lot of pictures to post on FB (and here!) from this fabulous day....
Oh!...there was a 7.2 earthquake just south of the CA / Mexico border this afternoon. People in my area felt it! I think I felt something but didn't think anything of it because I'm pregnant and have wierd feelings and stuff happening quite a bit.
We have an appt. with Dr. in less than two weeks when he is going to give us the 'slip' to get an ultrasound to find out if we have little missy or a little mr. for JP to be a big brother to. :) Can't wait!! At the same time I can. I kind of don't want to find out....but if it's a girl I want to sew her crib I guess I have to know. :)
Well, this has been fun and exciting but I'm really tired now and gotta get to bed STAT!
Pictures to come soon!

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