Sunday, June 15, 2008

Guess What?!?

Yep!! You guessed it!
We're PREGNANT!!! :)

We are totally excited!! Today, I am 12 weeks. We had our first ultrasound on Friday and got to see our baby! He was moving around so fast....springing from one side of the yolk sac to the other, bending over, turning around, moving arms and legs so fast!! It was the coolest thing we have ever seen!!! The heart rate was 167 and our estimated due date is December 27th. I of course cried...and Matt just kept saying, "Oh wow! Look at that! Wow!!!" Really, we were both in awe of the miracle that has been made from us!
God is SO good and we are absolutely thrilled!!
I feel great!...other than being completely exhausted 24/7.
We can't wait to meet our precious little miracle!
Happy Father's Day baby!! I'm so in love with you! You are my favorite person in the world and I'm SO happy I get to be with you forever!! You are the best husband...more than what I could have ever dreamed up. Thank you for loving me and treating me like the most important thing to you. You are going to be the best daddy!! I love you forever!!


Jessica said...

Ahhh!!! I'm soooo excited for you guys! You'll have to come see us so we can shower you with gifts!!! Love you guys!

metromom said...

Wow! Congratulations!

metromom said...

I will hug you in person on Thursday!!!!

wes edwards said...

moving around so fast....springing from one side of the yolk sac to the other, bending over, turning around, moving arms and legs so fast!!!

uh what are you describing here...the way the baby was formed? :)


me and tonya are on the band wagon too and are trying!!!

anyways love you guys and i am super happy for you!

Unknown said...

We couldn't be happier for you both... and can't wait to see you on Thursday!

Any names yet?

Terri and Mark said...

WHAT GREAT NEWS!!! You are going to make awesome parents and we only wish you were here so we could share in the experience. Keep posting photos and updates.

Austin & Lindsay said...

Congrats to you both!!! Being parents is so cool, you are going to love it I know!! Make sure to pamper yourself during this "peaceful" time before the baby arrives!

Emily W said...

Oh my gosh!! I'm so excited for you! Congrats you guys! Would love to see if when you come to town!

IA. said...

Congratulations! I get so excited when people get pregnant, knowing that there are happy and happier days ahead! Do take care, and enjoy your moments with the lil one growing in you :D

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, congrats Cristin & Matt! I'm so happy for you's the best. :) Hope you feel better real soon, Cristin...after that phase, it gets better...well, at least for awhile. ;) Take care of yourself & I miss you lots.