Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Oh, here is a pic of us tonight before we froze! :)

Brrrrrrr....It's SO Cold!!!!

Hi guys!!!

Well, today was a super COLD day!!! It SNOWED!!! I wasn't home to see it snowING...but Matt told me all about it!!! and we have the picture for proof. When I arrived it was still there but beginning to become slushy. Yeah! I got to see snow! First time in 4 years!!! :) Oh, what joy! :)

So, aside from that cool incident, I thought I was going to freeze today. For some reason, 30 degrees feels a lot colder up here than down in Arizona! :)

I went to Seattle with my grandma today for a Dr. visit so it was fun to go over on the ferry...but no city fun. I worked on my scarf (croshitting as I call it; otherwise known as crocheting) on the ferry...and got stuck listening to some guy pin me into a discussion about car engines, planes and eventually Galileo...hmmm....whatever...several times I tried to talk to Gram but to no avail, he kept on and she didn't save me!!!! :) Oh well, I guess he just needed someone to talk to for a while. Bless his heart.

So, there you have it. :)

I miss Arizona. I never NEVER thougt I'd say those words...but it's true.

Matt just told me a few moments ago he would like me to start ironing his socks........? Hmmm. I don't know what he ate today at work...but, I'm pretty sure that won't be long as they are dry! :)


Friday, February 23, 2007


The following has been moved from the guestbook. It's just getting too crazy... ha!

John - 2007-02-22 18:20:51
As I was driving home this evening, I heard this song and thought of the 2 of you ... Can you name the movie? John (Matt’s Dad)

Cristin - 2007-02-22 19:42:12
Hmmm....before I even listen to it....I’m thinking it may have something to do with BULLITT??? ;)

Cristin..... - 2007-02-22 19:44:50 That one Elvis movie we borrowed from you.....? WHAT IS THE NAME??????????????????????? ;))) Matt says you are talking about some other movie....I think it is the one we borrowed....but can’t think of the name. ;)

Matt - 2007-02-22 22:30:59
Okay we are. You may now comment on any post you’d like. Be nice...or else!!! Enjoy!

John - 2007-02-23 04:58:49
So how do you comment on other posts? Like this? Cristin - name of the song is? Movie is of the same name. 1962. Lady in the youtube clip is mother of Tatum O’Neal. Do you know her name? What was her regular TV series role?

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Baby...I"m so proud of you! You have done a wonderful job creating our website....and I love it!!! :) I"m proud of you getting up early and working so hard and earning $$$ to pay our bills while I slave away making freshly squeezed orange juice (actually haven't done the O.J. yet)homemade chicken noodle soup and pot roasts all while listening to Matlock and Little House On The's been so long! :) Oh, but I love it!, doesn't our site look awesome!?!!!! I love it and he has done a most excellent job. I realize that he is still adjusting to a routine still and has come home now two days in a row with fevers...poor baby. We are trying to get used to things...I think Matt has adjusted a little quicker than myself...but, time will pass and I will adjust.

Bella (the bundle; kitty) spends her evenings meowing with us. She comes in the room and meows. I don't think she has realized yet that we are here permanantly and Smith will not be coming over anytime soon. :(

Okay for now. We must get to bed. :)



Well, I've decided to throw in the towel for now on trying to build my own blog... I have figured out a lot of stuff, but it's really complicated. Anyway, I'm ashamed that I've been defeated and have to succumb to blogspot. What's the saying?... "you're unique... just like everyone else". Oh well, I'm glad that comments can now be posted for specific blog posts, as well as in the regular guestbook. It seems a bit redundant but not really I guess. They really are 2 different things.

So, I started my job this week. It is cool! I'm training, so I have a commute... which means I have to get up way early (5AM). But it's a really great company with excellent people! This could easily be the best job I've ever had.

Cristin is wonderful! She has made lunch for me to take to work and put a little note on my napkin. She has been working very hard taking care of G&G. It's really a challenge, but she's handling it like a pro. I'm proud of how radical she is! I totally love her and she deserves lot's of pretty things that I can't afford right now... doubt ye not the glorious damzel that yet I did marry!

Anyway, be sure to check out Wes' website. There are some really amazing musicians on the new album... ahem! ;) Seriously though... Wes worked super hard (and Tonya made a significant sacrifice also). It's a great project that showcases a lot of talent on the instruments, vocals, production and spirit. I'm very stoked on it!

Anyway, we've been seeing a little sun here lately (which is really weird!) although it's been super cold! Everyone here say's "it's all about May thru August"... hmmm, we'll see. All in all, it's very nice here and we are truly enjoying it.

We've both been really busy and are trying to make the most of the little free time we have, but it's great to hear from you all and we will try to be in touch more. We Love You All!

Peace out homeskittles!


Sunday, February 18, 2007


(Okay, so first of all, I'm going to say that I don't agree with Matt's posting earlier today. That's all I'm going to say, because I do have a strong opinion of my own.)

Now, today after church we went out on a little date and that was so much fun! We went and looked at bikes.....we want to get some bikes. :) We both found one that we really liked and now we just have to save up for them. They are really cute, well, mine is! Mine is pink, just like I've wanted. Then we went to Red Robin for lunch and THEN to Starbucks to enjoy some fine tasting coffee. :) I love just "being" with Matt. It is so enjoyable for me to be able to spend time with him just hangin'. We came home and then saw this:

It is so amazing....God's creation! You can't really tell in the picture...but the rainbow is actually pretty close to us. In the bible the rainbow represents God's promises to us as Children of God.....and whenever I see a rainbow, I think about all that God has told me, and the things He has called us to do as a couple, and I'm so thankful for His promises and His words to us. It is truly a blessing and an awesome reminder when I see something so beautiful and amazing as this. It is so wonderful to look out the window and see that....It's like a surprise and He's been waiting all day to give it to me. :)

Have a fantastic day, and remember how much He loves you and how much joy you bring to Him.



So... it's Sunday morning and we're about to head off to church, and I saw this video on someone's blog. I believe in the power of God, but Benny Hinn is ridiculous beyond belief. The video is totally funny!

Oh well... anyway, I'm happy to say that we have found a cool church. We went for the first time last week and really liked it. We're going back today and will most likely continue.

Also, I would like to encourage everyone to learn about feeds. You'll notice the atom link on the right. It's really cool if you find yourself checking blogs and/or news websites periodically for updates and what not. Click this link to learn more about how cool it is.

Anyway, peace out everyone... have a totally rad day!


Friday, February 16, 2007


Good morning! We are trying to get up early, but it's kinda difficult sometimes (Cristin's favorite time of day is morning, as long as she's laying in bed... haha). So, we got up this morning and right before Cristin started her "kick-yer-butt" Billy Blanks workout, we saw this. I just had to share it with you all.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

NEWBIE, I've just learned how to "input"in this's NOT as simple as the blogger, but oh well. :) Matt says it's better, of course. I've learned today more about my family is so interesting. It is really fun to hear how things were...and how they "should be" today, etc. :) I'm learning a lot about homemade meals, and it is so much fun. We really need to be careful, (as Matt has already put it), about our food intake and exercise. I have eaten more here than in the last year, I think. Anyway, take a look at some of our pictures....we will add more as time passes...and of course we will hopefully be updating on a more consistent basis. :)

It has constantly been overcast and as my grandma says....this is not normal for this time of year. It's been a wierd year with the weather. I don't remember it being so overcast. Now, I don't want to hear any "I told you so"s....because this is abnormal. :) Love you all!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Well, we've made it to Poulsbo (WA) and we've finally gotten somewhat settled. The drive up here was pretty nice and we didn't have any problems at all. We left a little later than we had originally planned (Tuesday January 30th at 5:30 PM) but we made ok time and arrived unscathed. We were so happy to finally arrive (Friday February 2nd at 6:00 PM) and be able to see Grandma and Grandpa (G&G). We had a very nice dinner and crashed out pretty early... apparently, driving 1500 miles is fairly exhausting.

There were 5 of us on the road trip... myself, Cristin, Patsy (Cristin's mom), Bella (our cat) and Barney (Cristin's parents' dog... aka Smith). We took turns driving (not the animals) and stopped many times, so the drive wasn't too tiresome... but it felt like it was never going to end. Patrick (Cristin's dad) flew in on the Monday after we arrived and we all spent the next few days getting Cristin and I settled and doing various tasks around the house here. G&G are really wonderful and we are thrilled to get to do this.

We are starting to feel settled after nearly 2 weeks. We have a great deal of privacy as we are occupying the entire first floor of the house and we are slowly making it "our own" with decoration, furniture and such. Our bedroom still needs some organizing and the living room and bathroom are okay, but my office is pretty much set. On that note, I'm very pleased to announce that I successfully obtained the position of employment that I have worked really hard to get. YES!!! I'll be working as a sales rep for a very good company here ( with salary, benefits and commissions, starting next Tuesday. The best part is I'll be working from home! It will definitely make many things easier for us and I'll get to have lunch with everyone at home.

Speaking of lunch... Grandma is such an amazing cook! She really knows her stuff and she's teaching Cristin some cool things too. I've been eating like a king and if you know me, you know I'm lovin' it big time! We will definitely be needing to work out more than ever before... the food is really healthy, but it's also very "healthy"... haha. G&G are really amazing and have seen so much. It's almost staggering to think about all that they've experienced in their lifetime. Yesterday, I asked Grandma how they met, and she told me the whole story. Their first date was 69 years ago today... in 1938! It's really cool hearing their stories. Grandma does a great majority of the talking and Grandpa gives the general summary versions. It's really great! I could try to describe them more, but I don't think I would paint a colorful enough of a picture to represent them accurately. They are way cool!

Anyway, I mostly just wanted to get this blog going since we've been real busy with everything and I finally had a few minutes to sit down and do it. I've posted some new pics on the pictures page and there are many more to come. We are already missing everyone back home and can't wait for the next opportunity to see you. Please email us or give us a call when you have a chance. Peace out!
