Monday, January 28, 2008

Are We Cute Or What???

How funny...we are both wearing yellow.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Good Times
Together forever!!
I am so blessed! My marriage is a gift to me that is as beautiful as the sunrise. Words cannot describe how wonderful life is inside this lifelong, forever committment. I am so happy I get to share life with the coolest person on earth! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The BIG Day!

So, this morning I was so thrilled because my darling, studly husband made me breakfast! :) Yummy! I had no idea what it was going to be....I only knew it involved eggs. It is an omlet with a special sauce he made which is seriously delicious! It is topped with avocado slices and tomato with a side of toast covered with homeade pear butter. It was a 5 STAR meal!
Here is me just before devouring my delicious breakfast!
This next pic probably deserves it's own post because it is the point of the post today. This picture is like the picture you just have to get on the first day of school.....that's how important the day is! Today Matt is going to see RAMBO!!!! I have been hearing about this since this summer. Everytime he saw a commercial for it he would get all pumped up and announce the date. We even had a countdown for the last 3 months or so. :) I love my hub!!! He is so cute! So here in this picture, he is leaving to go meet up with the rest of the guys from our life group to go have some man time with RAMBO!!!
I am left home alone with the kids (Maverick and Bella) cleaning the house, ironing, preparing dinner....I better have something meaty for him to eat when he returns because I'm sure he'll come home with loads of testosterone pumping in his veins after the movie!

I'm so blessed! I love him with all of me....!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Fun! my mom came into town kind of last minute! It was so GREAT to see her and hang with her! Of course the visit was way too short...but I'm grateful I got to see her! She is one of the few people in my life that I have never felt like a dork around....she totally accepts me for me and can be (most definitely!) totally goofy with me! She rocks! Love you mom!

On our way back into town, Matt was just had a hankerin' for some Frisko Freeze. You can't go all the way through Tacoma without some good old fashion nasty, down and dirty, greeeeeasy food. It's actually pretty good...but you really have to be in just the right mood for it!

"Damn, it's good," sayeth the Lord.

We definitely loved it tonight!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

God is SO good!!!

Well...we have so not updated in the last month (we are SO bad!!). There is much to update everyone on...and we will just have to do it soon.

There is something that has captivated our hearts. I don't even know how I learned of this family...probably through a friend's friend's blog or something....but I wanted to share the wonderful miracle God is doing!
Check out

I have been obsessed (well, maybe not obsessed....but, maybe so) with checking it daily. I'm checking it because I'm expecting to see updates on these precious girls (momma and baby). I find myself thinking of this family and praying for them throughout the days. God is SO good for this precious young woman to be on the road to recovery (YES!!!)...and then go back for more (double lung transplant). They have a 25 week+ preemie in the NICU who is infection free and on her own little road to thriving.

Please join us as we speak health and life over this family and please pray that God would envelope them with His peace that passes all understanding.
If you have a minute...check out their definitely shares part of their life with you. There is also a link to donate to her fund.
I know this is silly, but I feel like I am getting to know these complete strangers....but, when you think about it...they are family..I just haven't met them yet. :)