Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baby JP

So...since I am PAST DUE!! my dr. wanted me to have another biophysical profile...ultrasound to check the baby's practice breathing, movement, heartrate and amniotic fluid. He scored another 8 out of 8!! Good boy! Here are some more pictures of our chubby looking baby JP!
If I'm still pregnant tomorrow...we will see the dr. again and set up a time on Saturday to be induced. Please pray he comes like..... NOW!

Monday, December 29, 2008

UPDATE: The First 48

Well...I'm sad to say that the kid upstairs passed away from his stab wound(s). It seems that the police/investigators know who they are looking for. That makes me feel good. I guess the kid, 19, knew the guy who stabbed him. I don't know what happened or what went wrong..but let's pray for the his family and friends. What an awful thing to happen. I can't even imagine. I hope he knew Jesus. :(

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Any Resemblance...?

Just look at my two boys...aren't they so precious?:)

Game Day!

Well, it's too bad I didn't get a 'going to the game picture'... :( ...but the boys (Matt and his dad) are going to the Seahawks vs. Cardinals game today!!! They have AWESOME tickets and I'm a little jealous. I can't believe I said it. I'm a little jealous. :) I know they are going to have a total blast!!! We all just need to pray little JP doesn't decide to make his grand entrance this afternoon. So, since I don't have a 'going to the game picture'...this one from Christmas will do for now. :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The First 48

It does raise a little hair on your head when you have MULTIPLE missed calls from your sister and you find out that your apt. complex has 15-20 police cars surrounding your place with police tape all around...and then you find out that the crime scene involves your actual building...and they are looking at blood trails...and you are told that the guy that was stabbed right above your apt. and "hasn't died yet"...now keep in mind that the apt. above you is the one you've already called the police on a few times and the same people you asked to be quiet about 4-5 times since they moved in..............yep. That's right folks...there's a little crime scene investigation going on right outside our very apt. right now.

They finally let us go in our house and we can't leave. Matt of course has taken it upon himself to offer any of his expertise involvling the first 48 hours of this mystery. We were actually 'interviewed' (if you will) about our neighbors. It sounds like they are looking for the suspect....

The investigators still don't know exactly what happened earlier tonight but let's pray that kid makes it out of surgery to live a long, healthy life. And...let's also pray that they find the very naughty person who stabbed him.

It's D DAY!!!! 12-27-08

I can't believe this day has come! It's amazing how fast these past 9 months have gone by! I remember the exact moment I found out I was pregnant! It didn't seem real! I remember getting butterflys when I told Matt we were expecting and both of us were in awe of the miracle of life that was already created. We are both so anxious to meet our precious boy and whenever he comes will be perfect.

One of the first things Matt said to me today was "Don't you dare have that baby today!". Today is a busy day for him. He is already at the store preparing for the big Light Rail Grand Opening. The Urban Commuter has a booth there and Matt has worked very hard in preparation for this. It is FREEZING outside and I love it! It's 36 degrees outside right now (Poulsbo, WA it is 38 degrees!) and I'm certain the boys would love for it to be a bit warmer. I'm sure those two pairs of long underwear underneath his pants will do some good, though. :)

Anyway...the big day has arrived and JP just isn't quite ready to meet the world I guess! (I SO thought I would have him a little early...just one of those feelings that I had.) I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One final inter-utero photo shoot!

So...we had another dr. appt today. :) We are 39 weeks, 5 days. The timer has long ago popped out and the baby is ready! The baby's amount of movement has decreased a little in the last couple days and the dr. was concerned about this. He sent us to an assessment center at the hospital to monitor the baby. When the dr. was alarmed...this alarmed me. I was okay at first...then got to thinking about all the potential scenarios....if things were not great, I would be admitted and induced...if things were fine, then okay to go home. We are grateful our dr. was cautious and our obvious goal is to have a healthy baby boy. :)

We had an ultrasound that would tell us four things: heart rate, fetal movement, amount of water/fluid and breathing. The baby could get a score for each one: either a 2 (good) or a 0 (bad). The goal was to get a score of 8 out of 8. Well, our boy got an A+ and scored an 8/8!!! Good job JP! :) While we were looking at the ultrasound she switched it over to 3D!!!!! So, here is a picture of our precious baby boy. I am (obviously) far along...so, we can't see as much of baby as you normally would with this type of u/s. We were SO surprised and absolutely THRILLED to get to see our baby in the first place....then to see him in 3D was AWESOME!!!! So here he is...he wouldn't move his hand, which is covering part of his face. He was also crammed into a 'corner' and wouldn't budge..so no full front shot. Isn't he DARLING though? :)

We realize the pictures are slightly distorted...but you can see his eye open just peeking at us, and part of his nose and mouth. He's SO cute!
Now, if he would just come out of there!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby On The Way?

We may have the baby on his way! I have been having contractions throughout the evening...nothing major or too uncomfortable...but they are there and noticable. :) Yeah! Matt is rooting for this to proceed tonight! He says he wants to extend his weekend and not have to sleep tonight! We got a chance to get a fun pre-baby Christmas picture tonight....also one more of me pregnant, if we don't get another chance. :) Notice the snow...it snowed at the Tempe Marketplace tonight! (for only about 12 minutes or so.... :) ) I WISH it were real. :)

Labor Pains and Late Night Psychotic Cleaning...

So...I've been up for a while. I can't sleep. What's new, right? :) Matt was scrunched up right next to me...practically laying on me...:)..elbowing me...trapping the sheets so I couldn't budge..:) I love being close to him when we sleep! I really do..except the funny thing is, is usually it is me bombarding his sleep space.

We got home late last night and I decided, though I've been 'cleaning' for days now, that I couldn't handle our home the way it is. I told Matt that "If I go into labor tonight, I am going to wake you up and make you clean the house with me until I am satisfied to come home to it..." blah, blah, blah. Poor man. He was lying on the bed reading an article with Maverick. I just couldn't handle our place that way it was. Our little storage area was out of control. Our place is small, and anywhere we have air we have stuff shoved into it. That drives me nuts. I of course couldn't move the heavy boxes in and out of it, change the cat litter, etc...so I comissioned his help with a threat. He quietly and lovingly obliged. As soon as it was cleaned out (15 minutes later or so) I felt SO MUCH BETTER. I felt like a weight had been lifted. :) Silly, I know. Just one little room that no one looks in (but I know it's there!!!) and the rest of the house could have used more love. Oh well. We just have more 'stuff' to take to storage. Once that gets out I swear I will be able to breathe better. (What totally sucks is that one might not know I've been cleaning for days...it just seems to get messy as soon as turn around... :( )

Oh, while I was desperately trying to go back to sleep I was thinking of Washington. I miss it SO much. I miss everything about our life there...everything. :'( I'm happy here..but I really miss 'home'. It is freezing right now...actually, it is 27 degrees right now with a 'wintery mix' of a snow storm heading their way. I want to be there SO badly. I love cold weather, though if I was in it right now, I may be cursing it...I just love having to be bundled up with sweaters, coats, mittens/gloves, scarves, 14 layers...LOVE IT!!! I love the snow! I love blizzards! I love that fact that when it snows outside like it does with a storm...time seems to slow down, life seems to slow down a little and you are forced to enjoy life a little more. :) Sometimes, you even have (HAVE) to stay home from work because you can't get there! :) (This didn't happen to me last year...bummer.) I remember last year we lived in the beach house...it was so beautiful! It was snowing...our little Mav got to play in the snow. We watched heavy, thick snow flakes fall into the sound. What a beautiful place to live. I kind of wish we still lived there. I miss it so much! I must remember the 60-something (or was it 70??) steps we had to endure just to get to our car. Oh yeah... . :)

I think I had one seriously painful contraction earlier this late night too. I've been thinking for days now..."Okay...today is the day. This is it!" I want it to be 'it' so badly! I'm anxious for our little precious one to arrive...I just wish I could know when it will be.

Matt informed me and JP the other night that this weeked would be the time to go into labor..that he has plans on our due date and it would really be helpful for me to have the baby before then....don't worry, he's not being totally insensitive. :) You see, my due date is 12-27-08. On the 27th...there is the grand opening of the light rail. This is a HUGE thing that is happening in our area. There is a big thing that is going on that our store (The Urban Commuter - my parent's store) was invited to because we are local, green friendly, etc. This could (and WILL in Jesus' name) bring a lot of awareness of the store and a lot of business. Matt of course has a hand in the preparation and would be bummed to miss it. Also, on the 28th, he 'plans' to go to a Seattle Seahawks vs. Arizona Cardinals game at the Cardinal stadium with his dad where they have AWESOME seats! Of course...if the boy comes on or just before those days he is happy to be with me and the baby...but if I have him early enough...he can do the others. What a crisis, hu? :)

Anyway..this is turning into a really long post and I doubt anyone is still reading it...so, if you are...know that I haven't had the baby yet, I miss the **SNOW**, if you haven't talked to me lately, then shame on you, you should call. :) (Unless...if you are Camilla, I understand. I know you will call once you are back in the country my dear friend.)

I couln't find a picture of our snowy days in Washington...but here is a picture of Matt and I when we first arrived in WA. It was at the beginning of our journey there...actually, it was snowing in that very picture....and FREEZING cold. I remember. :) That was almost two years ago...I can't even imagine what our life would be like had we not gone there....

Isn't my husband SO handsome!!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Traditions

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper!! I **LOVE** wrapping presents..and always feel sad/bad when I give a gift in a bag...on the other hand, my husband loves to use bags. :)
2. Real tree or Artificial? REAL!!! I love the smell of the tree in my house! I really don't like fake trees. I love the whole experience of going to pick one in the freezing cold weather, shivering and shaking and loading the tree up on the car! Unfortunately, I didn't get to freeze my hiney off this year...it's too warm! :( I didn't think we were going to get a tree this year but my darling husband surprised me and bought one for us. (I had BEGGED him to let us just look at trees...so I could get my fill...and he bought one. :)!! Thank God the lady gave us a good deal!)
3. When do you put up the tree? When we can...usually first week or so of December...
4. When do you take the tree down? As late as possible. I have to confess...one year when I was living alone in Tulsa I left my tree up until just before Easter, I think. I know I'm going to seriously regret admitting that...but I needed help getting it out of my house! My friends made a parade of it and totally humiliated me with it!
5. Do you like eggnog? YUMMY!!!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My grandpa Mac made my sister and I a doll house which was AWESOME! Also, there was a doll that 'grew' with me...she had a switch on the bottom of her foot that went from baby "gaa-gaa", to toddler "ma-ma", etc. I didn't think I was going to get her because I knew we were tight that year...it was AWESOME!
8. Easiest person to buy for? Nobody. I always want to get the 'perfect' gift for the people I love..and never seem to know what that is. Matt is pretty easy...he knows I put my heart into it and is so grateful and thankful for anything. :)
9. Do You have a nativity scene? I do now...I 'stole' one from my mom. She doesn't know I have it. When we were moving from Washington, we moved the nativity scene from one of her boxes to our Christmas box...she hasn't been over since we decorated. :) (My grandma had given it to her and so I stored it for her in our garage...)
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail! Although...this year everyone is getting shorted. We are waiting for the boy to arrive to send out greetings! :)
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Never got a bad one.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The old Rudolph one...and Charlie Brown.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually within the last week before Christmas. Though I start mentally preparing a few months before....
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No...probably should have though. Actually...I'm thinking of one right now I could probably recycle... :)
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas morning my mom always made the BEST sausage egg cassarole. It is heavenly and I will always carry this tradition on. Thank goodness my husband likes it! :)
16. Colored or white lights on the tree? White! I like how it makes the tree look simpler...Matt says our tree is sparkly this year! :)
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night, Selah's 'Rose of Bethlehem' CD
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? I like to stay home...(but I wish we had snow!)
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Hmmm. Not today!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Well, we haven't found the right one yet. Last year Matt printed out an angel on paper and put her up on our tree....I love him!
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? I grew up opening one present Christmas Eve and the rest Christmas morning. When we started getting less presents...I opted to open all Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Some people are rude and pissy. They suck! But...more than likely, they probably don't acknowledge the real meaning of Christmas.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Red and silver...Simple tree with white lights, red and silver ornaments and a red ribbon wrapping around the tree.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My baby!

Would You Do This?

Congrats to my sis and her hubby! They ran their first 1/2 marathon last weekend! They have been training for a long time for this and it sure paid off! I'm so proud of them! Just looking at some of the people crossing the finish line made me glad I was not involved in this run...but Meg and Daryl had smiles on their faces as they crossed the finish line!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wide Awake...Again!

Well...once again I'm wide awake. This time it is not the pregnancy. Well, that fact that I'm still awake could be. :) My awesome neighbors think it is 'so much fun!, like totally!' to be awake and screaming like 10 year old girls at a slumber party at 3:30 in the morning!

Anyway...I'm not bitter or anything. :) Being awake gave me a chance to catch up on a blog that I have been too busy with life to do lately. :)

I am reminded of our precious Jesus. It is so great being a child of God. He loves us so much. He has the best things planned out for our lives. It is such a priveledge to know Him. :)

As a child my parents taught me to pray for my husband. So...I spent many years praying for him. I prayed that he would know the Lord..that he would not 'stray' (such a christianese term!), that he would be musically inclined, be funny, tall, dark, handsome, etc. :) Whatever. I don't remember exactly what I prayed for...(I know there is a list out there in one of those 'growing up boxes' somewhere!). Anyway...I prayed for Matt. I am so amazed how awesome God is! He did good when He made Matt! :) I have said this before..but I could never have even planned out all of Matt in one person. I don't think I thought there could be someone made so perfectly for me. I didn't even consider it. God knows me so well...He gave me the perfect complement to spend my life with.

Since we found out we were pregnant we have prayed for our baby. It has been exciting to talk about what he might be like, what he might do with his life...all the possibilities. The one thing I really do hope is that he has Matt's eyelashes! I know...I'm a dork! They are WONDERFUL! :)

Anyway, it is a priveledge to be able to trust in God and know that He has you in His care. To know that even though I may have prayed for silly things when praying for my husband...He takes care of us and knows what is most important. He brings things together in ways we could never plan.

This is my insight at a now 5 am in the morning. Hope everyone else is sleeping fine!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Red Hot Gift

So, I'm WIDE AWAKE. I have NEVER in my entire life been an early riser. NEVER EVER. I was the child who you had to practically drag out of bed in the mornings. My sister, on the other hand...was always the "I'm totally wide awake and it's 6am...", jumping on my bed, getting nose to nose with me telling me to get up! I think she is still like that. I love her!
Well, anyway...as you can see, I have documented my early morning. This is the time I finally got out of bed because I was too awake to try to force myself back to sleep. This is after I awoke at 3:22 (earlier than that..I just finally looked at the clock at 3:22). I layed in bed for a while...listening the Maverick lick something, Bella jingle a little as she moves from one side of Matt to the other, Matt breathing a heavy sleep, the baby playing some sort of serious sport in my belly. I even contemplated whether it was lightly raining outside...thinking that it could possibly be because it was a little cloudy with a nice chill last night.... This was confirmed like 10 minutes later with a two minute blast of heavy rain falling out of the sky onto our covered car parking area just at the head of our bed. It was either that or about 10 people getting some serious shopping done at Food City at a near 4am while they all take their shopping carts through our parking lot. Pretty sure it was the rain. :)

So, now I'm sipping hot chocolate while I blog away. Yesterday afternoon was an exceptionally emotional day for me. I don't know what got into me. Could be the overwhelming idea that my life is about to change forever. I don't feel ready, even though I must be. I mean...all my life, ALL of my life, I dreamed of getting married and having babies...having a beautiful family. I am SOOOO excited...but at the same time kind of scared. I know, that's silly. I know I am going to be a good mommy, Matt is going to be an AMAZING daddy. We are going to have a wonderful family. It's just the thought of..."This is it!".. you know? I would never want it any other way. It could be that I'm a planner. Really, deep down inside, I am a planner. I like to know what is going to happen and when. I love surprises...!!! But, as far as being spontaneous, that's not quite me. (I always used to think I liked to be spontaneous...but at some point in my adult life, I realized I am SO not a spontaneous person. It's hard to deal with for me.....I'd like to be spontaneous, though. :) This could be my issue. The fact that I don't know when JP is going to make his grand entrance into this beautiful world...I think that could be my stress. So...I just have to think if it as one big, huge surprise!! :) Atta girl!

ANYWAY...my emotional day. I was laying on the bed trying to compose myself last night. My wonderful, darling, studly husband comes in and tells me that he has a great idea. I love him. I love it when he talks with a sparkle in his voice. He tells me that he can paint my toes. :) Now, before you get too sarcastic and make some dorky comment you must know the following: this was a completely unselfish act. For weeks now, I have been wanting pretty toes. I mean, I have been wanting to do my toes...I must have thought about it every day. Life just gets busy. I had an offer from my mom, but we didn't get around to it. To top it off, I can't even reach my toes. Well, I can, but if I painted them, if might look like a 4 year old did it. Let's just say that if I had a 'grabber' or 'reacher' (you know, one of those things old people use to pick something up or put their socks on), life would be easier. :)

I could say it is my sister's fault. She had the cutest toes. She does have some seriously cute toes...but a few weeks ago, she had the **BEST** color of red on her toes. So I asked her what color it was...OPI's Hip Hop Holly. You've gotta say it with a little groovin'. :) Simple. She got it at ULTA. So, I was on a mission. Well, it turns out the people at ULTA know what I'm talking about...but it was apparently discontinued last year. Whatever, I must get this color. I go to another ULTA and they know what I'm talking about...but the same thing. D/C'd last year. Fine. So, my sister got the final secret stash. I could borrow hers..but I want my own. I give in. I'll settle.

Matt and I are at ULTA yesterday and after an hour of smelling cologne I'm asking him what color he likes. I have three...OPI's Rosie Mistletoes-ies, Ruby for Rudolph, and Red Hot Gift. I couldn't decide. I liked them all. The first two were kind of sparkly, the third flat. At this point, he doesn't know their names...he's just looking at the color. He says he likes Rosie Mistletoes-ies. I said, "Really?", still doubting and uncertain, and he says, "Yeah, I like it. It's sparkly. That one is flat." I'm still debating as he pulls one out and says..."Now, this on is SEXY!...Red Hot Gift." He's getting all excited about this color...and I say, "REALLY? You like THIS one?" :) He puts the two together with my slight sarcasm and confirms he really does like it and that is the one I should get, even though it is flat. :)

Back to my emotional moment. So, my wonderful, thoughtful husband is offering to paint my toes. He knows I've wanted pretty toes forEVER now. He knows what a task it would be to do it myself...and he knows I have committed to having pretty toes when I deliver this child. That was a committment. I am going to have pretty toes when I have the baby. And since we know the time is near...we were running out of time. So, for the first time ever, my awesome husband painted my toes after, of course, he brought me my foot soak with hot water. :)
I am so blessed that my man is not too proud to do that. It was a completely selfLESS act of love because he wanted me to feel better. He wanted me to be happy. Well, of course, I am happy already because I'm married to the most amazing man and we are saved..and we have wonderful families..etc....but you know what I mean. :) So...here are my newly painted, puffy toes. Don't look too close...my nails are pretty short and my feet are presently fat. But, notice the fine job he did! :)
Here are some fun pics we took at my parents store yesterday. My mom decorated the store yesterday and we were trying to get the little Christmas tree in the picture...but you can't really see it. Oh well. :) What fun anyway.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Low Ri-der...

Well...I am getting larger and larger with child every day. :) There is something about being pregnant that I just LOVE! Over the last week or so, I have felt like he is getting lower and lower. It has been difficult to bend over for a while now...but getting even more and more difficult to sit like a lady comfortably :) . The difficulty in bending over, even just the slightest bit, has been enhanced lately by my low riding baby. My wonderful husband who is so very thoughtful and kind surprised me yesterday. I was in the shower when I noticed he had put all of my items (shampoo, coniditioner, body wash, face scrub) on the upper shelf for me so I wouldn't have to bend over. He is so cute. I just LOVE him so much! I TOTALLY appreciate his thoughtfulness. Seriously, I have resorted to picking things up with my toes if they are small enough when I drop them...or I just leave them until I can ask my darling studly man to pick it up for me. Speaking of...there are some thank-you cards that fell behind the desk about a week ago that I can't get to....squeeze myself thin enough to reach them...uh-mmm...baby, do you mind? :)

We had a dr. appt last Tuesday. The baby was about 5 lbs, heart rate in the 120's, head down, butt up, I measured 27 cm, I was 35 wks, 5 days. We have another appt. this am and I'm curious to find out what I measure. They say you measure in cm what you are in weeks. For several weeks now, I have measured a bit larger than what I 'should' be. I know everyone is different...but it makes me wonder if we are a bit farther along than we think. This little boy just might show up before Christmas!

We are totally able and ready to care for a child...but I have had some freak out moments. Not FREAK OUT, like "How do I care for a child, I don't know what to do"...but freak out like..."Holy crap! are we ready for this?!!!" Yeah, I know, what's the difference? :) We are totally ready, but I'm feeling unprepared. I realize nothing can quite prepare one for a brand new baby in their life until they just do it (literally :) ). Just kidding. I'm serious, though. I don't think that we can be any more prepared (other than completing the folding of the baby clothes, putting stuff away in the baby's room, etc.). I don't think you can prepare yourself fully for what's to come. That's exciting! It is going to be a brand new, HUGE adventure. And what fun to do it with your best friend! I can't wait to see him...to see his precious little feet, and look into his eyes. It is going to be amazing! See you soon, my little low-rider :) .