Thursday, January 22, 2009

Glory Halleluia!

My husband ROCKS!!! He's such an amazing, STUDLY man! :) He works hard EVERY day. He gets to work at 630am (some days 730a) and doesn't get done with work until 6-7p-ish. So...let's just say that he works a long day. Yesterday I realized we were going to be out of wipies (baby wipes) very soon, nearly out of pampers (in the next day or so) so I called him and asked him to go to store on his way home. He gladly (well, I don't really know if it was done in a 'glad' way...but there was no opposition) said that he would. Another thing on the list was batteries (so we could FINALLY bathe our baby in his awesome bath tub that Uncle Larry and Aunt Carmen gave us (via gift card..Thanks guys!! - thank you note is on it's way!) (btw people...we HAVE bathed our child already in the sink or spit baths...)......

Also on the list was coffee. Now...I have been out of coffee for 10 days has been a long 10 days. (I went without it for most of my pregnancy..I have NO idea how I did for a child, I guess :) I decided that since I have had 2 migraines this week (probably NOT due to lack of coffee, but lack of sleep/stress) that I needed coffee anyway. I had on the list the BEST cheap coffee I have found...YUBAN. It's pretty darn good when you have forgotten the taste of Starbucks. :) So darling husband gets home...and I ask where the coffee is because I don't see it. Now this is where the Glory in the Glory Halleluia comes in. He bought me Starbucks! What a man! What a surprise! He didn't have to do that...because our budget certainly allows for the extra $$ to go for the diapers we get to buy....not my addictive habits. :) I love him!

As tired as he is at the end of each day he often graciously changes the next poopy diaper that comes our way (trust me, I get my fair share of these bad boys...) and offers to try to soothe the seemingly unsoothable screaming baby too. JP loves his daddy and often calms down for him after I've tried for SEVERAL painfully loud minutes. :)

Now, you don't think I would post without any pictures, do you?

Here is our preciousness after a diaper change yesterday looking as pleasant as ever! :)
This is not from today...but it is about what he looked like for most of this posting....(I had to take a didn't take long to type it... :) )
This is from last week sometime...he's SO precious!
He's growing SO fast. :( It makes me so sad. Some of his newborn onsies are getting a little snug. I can't believe it!
Praise God we have such a precious, sweet baby. :)


Camilla Tomren said...

That is awesome! you do have the sweetest husband ever and your baby is just so beautiful :) Enjoy your Sbux :D

Simply Heidi said...

He is SO stinkin cute! What a blessing. You do have a sweet husband!

bmorr316 said...

He is absolutely adorable!!!!! And I agree about your husband, he has always been a wonderful man.