Friday, April 20, 2007

What Happened To Your Hair?

So, yesterday I had a "lazy" day....I'm running low on make-up so I decided to go without...which really isn't a huge deal, because I used to NEVER wear make-up. I go through my times of consistancy....AND, I have been busy getting the place put together, things put away, just busy, busy, busy. So, I got dressed (normal cuteness :) ) and didn't "do" my hair. You see, if I "do" my hair, I have to dry it with the hair dryer. If I don't use the hair dryer, then my hair dries naturally and isn't exactly smooth, it's "bigger". It's thicker, and can be kind of frizzy....just NOT SMOOTH, if you get my drift. Well, I had picked Matt up from work and we went to the store, and I got out of the car and we were walking away from it, and he asked as plain as day, seeming somewhat confused....."What happened to your hair?". Now, of course my reaction was, "What? What do you mean?" I got, insecure, you know? My husband has never really said there was anything wrong with me, and tells me if he likes my hair or whatever a certain way...but, he's never come out and basically told me there was something WRONG with me!!!! It was really funny, I got all worried and took my hair out (of the way I had done it, originally thinking he might like it....but obviously the cuteness left by the time I got to him with a more wind-blown frizzy look.....)....because if he is going to say something about it....then it must look really bad! But, it was like totaly shock. "What? What do you mean? What's wrong with my hair?" I guess I was just as shocked as he was.... :)


Jessica said...

Men have a way of saying things the wrong way, yet not meaning to hurt you! Ryan does this all the time! The worst one was when I was pregnant with Noah we ran into a lady who was also pregnant. (I was a couple months ahead of her) And Ryan asked her how far along she was. She replied by saying she was 5-6 months. Well Ryan reponded with...YOU'RE HUGE...I MEAN YOU'RE REALLY BIG!!! The poor lady! At this point I had to step in and say he wasn't being rude, just comparing the hugeness of both of us. She was very nice and said it was no big deal, she knew she was huge and that she was having twins! She really was big though! :)

Unknown said...

Jess, I can't believe you didn't mention the time you dyed your hair dark and Ryan said you looked like a witch. :)

I thought you were beautiful.

Terri and Mark said...

Mark makes me laugh all the time with his comments. Mostly it's about my hair. Just last week, I went a few days without washing it & when I finally got in the shower & began scrubbing my scalp- he opened the door and said-"how does it feel to wash your hair?" I started laughing so hard because I thought he was going to say something like "I love you" or "hand me a razor", but no- it had to be something sarcastic. The man rags on me a lot, but 99% of the time, it makes me crack up because I know that even though he probably means it- he's knows how much I like sarcasm.

David Wegley said...

How are things going?!! I just found your blog again...somehow I've lost touch. So glad things are going well for you guys. You are so cute together, as everyone always says.
Your new home looks some more pics!