Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!


Happy Mother's Day! I love you SO much! Thank you for being the greatest mom! Your 'momness' has blossomed into a very cherished friendship. You are one of my best friends and I love hanging out with you and doing silly things!

I still remember one time when I was in high shool and we were driving home from a track meet. For some reason, you slowed down for no reason...there were no cars in front of us. I asked what you you were doing and I realized as I looked my the other lane. There was a school bus FULL of boys coming home from a game or something. You would not speed up as we drove alongside them for a mile or so giggling our guts out! I was SO embarrassed!

I also remember whenever we were in would get the tic tacs out or gum and crinkle, crinkle, crinkle. You would eat one piece for only a minute and get another one, totally eating a whole pack in one service......oh, you would also get me laughing...and then you would start laughing...and then we both couldn't stop! We practically got kicked out of church every week!!! Oh, still make me laugh in church!

I want you to know how much I LOVE YOU and how much I appreciate your AWESOME 'momness'!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

My mom and I have not attended the same church in many, many years, but every time we get together, we get the giggles so bad we disrupt the service. Glad to know it's not just us.