Tuesday, January 15, 2008

God is SO good!!!

Well...we have so not updated in the last month (we are SO bad!!). There is much to update everyone on...and we will just have to do it soon.

There is something that has captivated our hearts. I don't even know how I learned of this family...probably through a friend's friend's blog or something....but I wanted to share the wonderful miracle God is doing!
Check out http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/

I have been obsessed (well, maybe not obsessed....but, maybe so) with checking it daily. I'm checking it because I'm expecting to see updates on these precious girls (momma and baby). I find myself thinking of this family and praying for them throughout the days. God is SO good for this precious young woman to be on the road to recovery (YES!!!)...and then go back for more (double lung transplant). They have a 25 week+ preemie in the NICU who is infection free and on her own little road to thriving.

Please join us as we speak health and life over this family and please pray that God would envelope them with His peace that passes all understanding.
If you have a minute...check out their site...it definitely shares part of their life with you. There is also a link to donate to her fund.
I know this is silly, but I feel like I am getting to know these complete strangers....but, when you think about it...they are family..I just haven't met them yet. :)


CFHusband said...

Thank you!

Emily said...

I found them as well through a friends blog and am also praying for them. It truly makes you think how blessed you are. Each post just moves me...I know what you mean about feeling like you "know" them. And little Gweneth is such a doll!

Emily said...

I found them as well through a friends blog and am also praying for them. It truly makes you think how blessed you are. Each post just moves me...I know what you mean about feeling like you "know" them. And little Gweneth is such a doll!