Saturday, October 18, 2008

10 Weeks Left....

WOW! Time has passed so quickly! It is amAZING to think about the fact that we found out we were pregnant at 3-4 weeks. We are now 30+ weeks and revving up for the big, exciting days we have ahead of us. It is CRAZY to think that we will be a mommie and daddy in a few short weeks! This morning I had a moment of "Oh my gosh!!" thinking about how we are not yet ready! There is still so much to do! We don't have a changing table yet....or a dresser....but we might do some shelving. I DON'T KNOW! :(

While I'm in my mini panic about this, Matt is casually watching The Good, The Bad And The Ugly on TV at 7 in the morning!! He's going to flip when the baby gets here! He's going to be so goo-goo ga-ga about our little baby boy. He was so funny at one of our dr. appts. a few months ago. We were going to talk to the dr. about the process of "when I think I'm in labor", etc. He was asking if, when we were on our way to the hospital, if he should call 911 to tell them he would be the speeding silver Toyota Corolla and that he would not pull over, and that they should give him an escort to the hospital, etc. or "how does that work?" type thing. He was so cute. I told him we would probably have some time to get to the hospital before the baby came. :)

My goals this weekend (potentially UNrealistic):
Get all of the boxes in storage that need to go to storage STAT!!!
Go to Michaels or JoAnn Fabrics to look at wall letters (for his name or initials)
Attempt to decide on a 'theme' for his room...(don't worry, I have SOME idea of what I like...and this may require some bribing of Matt)
Not baby related: Make it to church! :)
Give myself a nice little foot soak - I would do the pedicure part but I would get irritated at not being able to sufficiently and comfortably reach my feet
Immediate: Buy new work shoes: I have been coming home with my feet BLACK from the dye in the shoes. I'm wearing socks..but to no avail, I still have black feet every day. I have been SCRUBBING them every night because I don't want it to stay on me, or cause some funky wierdness to the baby.
So, that's it....we'll see what I accomplish. :)
More random thoughts:
For the last couple of weeks, my belly button has started to 'pop'. :)
I just realized that the hot chocolate I just "had to have" for our trip down here is practically unopened. I only had two packs....on the same night. Hmmm. I guess I could have done without. :)
My 'pantry' / bookshelf full of food stuffed in there to fit looks like crap
Our house is a mess (this has GOT to change)
I'm the most blessed girl in the world to be married to the coolest dude of them all! :)


Camilla Tomren said...

You are too cute :) I love reading about this stuff!! I wish I could be there and see you with your belly button popped (lol). well, hope we can catch each other on the phone soon. Love ya!

Unknown said...

You made it to church: CHECK! It was great to see you guys. I hope you were as successful with the rest of your goals, especially the pedicure!

Camilla Tomren said...

I never got your other phone calls... :( maybe it was after I had left or the phone could have been weird too.... Anyhow, I will definitely come visit you guys. Tina and I already talked about taking a road trip out there to see you guys and the baby boy!! :) Love you! and sorry I missed you.

metromom said...

Aww! Time is flyin' by! You look so great and I was so happy to see you. I can't wait to meet this little dude. And you are right, Matt is going to freak out. Can't wait!!!

XO You'll get your list checked off, remember, don't stress over it all- it will work out! And if it doesn't it might be like your hot chocolate and you really didn't need it afterall!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!

Pregnancy is such a beautiful time.