Monday, March 5, 2007

Monsters in the closet...., the other night....Matt was SO tired and couldn't wait to get into bed. So, we are laying in bed for a few minutes.....and he suddenly lifts his head and says "It just occured to me why I have to sleep the way I do".....(he HAS to sleep with the sheet and blanket wrapped around his, he untucks the sheet and blanket, lifts them up and flips them under his feet; doing all of this with his feet every night) and I say, of course, "Why?"......."Well, when I was little, there were monsters in my closet, and I thought that if I made a seal around my feet, that I would be safe." And I laughed and said, "That is so, you thought there were monsters so you sealed up your feet to be safe?"....and he said, "No, I KNEW there were monsters....not thought...I KNEW. I could see their shapes and stuff." :) This has been a mystery revealed. Until this very night...I have not known why he has to sleep like that....he didn't even know why. He says he can't sleep unless the sheets and blankets are like that. This certainly does mess the bed up and makes it that much more of an effort to make the bed in the morning....but I love him and I wouldn't change a thing about him if I could. :)


metromom said...


Life's Passionz said...

Oh my goodness! Cute story - cracked me up. Has he ever seen Monsters Inc.? Matt, they are ALL nice monsters...I promise. *wink*