Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's D DAY!!!! 12-27-08

I can't believe this day has come! It's amazing how fast these past 9 months have gone by! I remember the exact moment I found out I was pregnant! It didn't seem real! I remember getting butterflys when I told Matt we were expecting and both of us were in awe of the miracle of life that was already created. We are both so anxious to meet our precious boy and whenever he comes will be perfect.

One of the first things Matt said to me today was "Don't you dare have that baby today!". Today is a busy day for him. He is already at the store preparing for the big Light Rail Grand Opening. The Urban Commuter has a booth there and Matt has worked very hard in preparation for this. It is FREEZING outside and I love it! It's 36 degrees outside right now (Poulsbo, WA it is 38 degrees!) and I'm certain the boys would love for it to be a bit warmer. I'm sure those two pairs of long underwear underneath his pants will do some good, though. :)

Anyway...the big day has arrived and JP just isn't quite ready to meet the world I guess! (I SO thought I would have him a little early...just one of those feelings that I had.) I CAN'T WAIT!!!

1 comment:

Emily W said...

Ok JP, we are all waiting to meet you!!! Come out, come out! Make sure to tell your dad and mom to let us know!!