Sunday, December 21, 2008

Labor Pains and Late Night Psychotic Cleaning...

So...I've been up for a while. I can't sleep. What's new, right? :) Matt was scrunched up right next to me...practically laying on me...:)..elbowing me...trapping the sheets so I couldn't budge..:) I love being close to him when we sleep! I really do..except the funny thing is, is usually it is me bombarding his sleep space.

We got home late last night and I decided, though I've been 'cleaning' for days now, that I couldn't handle our home the way it is. I told Matt that "If I go into labor tonight, I am going to wake you up and make you clean the house with me until I am satisfied to come home to it..." blah, blah, blah. Poor man. He was lying on the bed reading an article with Maverick. I just couldn't handle our place that way it was. Our little storage area was out of control. Our place is small, and anywhere we have air we have stuff shoved into it. That drives me nuts. I of course couldn't move the heavy boxes in and out of it, change the cat litter, I comissioned his help with a threat. He quietly and lovingly obliged. As soon as it was cleaned out (15 minutes later or so) I felt SO MUCH BETTER. I felt like a weight had been lifted. :) Silly, I know. Just one little room that no one looks in (but I know it's there!!!) and the rest of the house could have used more love. Oh well. We just have more 'stuff' to take to storage. Once that gets out I swear I will be able to breathe better. (What totally sucks is that one might not know I've been cleaning for just seems to get messy as soon as turn around... :( )

Oh, while I was desperately trying to go back to sleep I was thinking of Washington. I miss it SO much. I miss everything about our life there...everything. :'( I'm happy here..but I really miss 'home'. It is freezing right now...actually, it is 27 degrees right now with a 'wintery mix' of a snow storm heading their way. I want to be there SO badly. I love cold weather, though if I was in it right now, I may be cursing it...I just love having to be bundled up with sweaters, coats, mittens/gloves, scarves, 14 layers...LOVE IT!!! I love the snow! I love blizzards! I love that fact that when it snows outside like it does with a storm...time seems to slow down, life seems to slow down a little and you are forced to enjoy life a little more. :) Sometimes, you even have (HAVE) to stay home from work because you can't get there! :) (This didn't happen to me last year...bummer.) I remember last year we lived in the beach was so beautiful! It was snowing...our little Mav got to play in the snow. We watched heavy, thick snow flakes fall into the sound. What a beautiful place to live. I kind of wish we still lived there. I miss it so much! I must remember the 60-something (or was it 70??) steps we had to endure just to get to our car. Oh yeah... . :)

I think I had one seriously painful contraction earlier this late night too. I've been thinking for days now..." is the day. This is it!" I want it to be 'it' so badly! I'm anxious for our little precious one to arrive...I just wish I could know when it will be.

Matt informed me and JP the other night that this weeked would be the time to go into labor..that he has plans on our due date and it would really be helpful for me to have the baby before then....don't worry, he's not being totally insensitive. :) You see, my due date is 12-27-08. On the 27th...there is the grand opening of the light rail. This is a HUGE thing that is happening in our area. There is a big thing that is going on that our store (The Urban Commuter - my parent's store) was invited to because we are local, green friendly, etc. This could (and WILL in Jesus' name) bring a lot of awareness of the store and a lot of business. Matt of course has a hand in the preparation and would be bummed to miss it. Also, on the 28th, he 'plans' to go to a Seattle Seahawks vs. Arizona Cardinals game at the Cardinal stadium with his dad where they have AWESOME seats! Of course...if the boy comes on or just before those days he is happy to be with me and the baby...but if I have him early enough...he can do the others. What a crisis, hu? :)

Anyway..this is turning into a really long post and I doubt anyone is still reading, if you are...know that I haven't had the baby yet, I miss the **SNOW**, if you haven't talked to me lately, then shame on you, you should call. :) (Unless...if you are Camilla, I understand. I know you will call once you are back in the country my dear friend.)

I couln't find a picture of our snowy days in Washington...but here is a picture of Matt and I when we first arrived in WA. It was at the beginning of our journey there...actually, it was snowing in that very picture....and FREEZING cold. I remember. :) That was almost two years ago...I can't even imagine what our life would be like had we not gone there....

Isn't my husband SO handsome!!!!!

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